Nairobi Speaker Ng’ondi Sends Mashujaa Day Wishes To Nairobians

NAIROBI, Kenya- On the 20th of October, 2022: Kenyans mark the first public holiday, Mashujaa day, since the country went to the polls in August and elected new leaders for the next five years.
Nairobi City County Assembly Speaker Ken Ng’ondi has sent out a congratulatory message to the people of Nairobi, their elected Members of the County Assembly (MCA’s) and the whole country as they mark Mashujaa day.

“I want to wish our people of Nairobi and their MCA from all sides of the house a blessed Mashujaa day,” Ng’ondi said.
“This is the first time that we are celebrating national occasion after we had very peaceful elections and I want to send my congratulations to everyone in Nairobi county and indeed the whole country and tell them that they are the real mashujaa of this city and indeed the country. Nairobi has in the past had incidents of lawlessness after elections but this time you great residents and all the elected leaders demonstrated that you are indeed peace heroes and I congratulate you,” Ng’ondi added.

At the same time the speaker said that the county assembly was now properly constituted and is ready to work for the people of Nairobi.

“The MCA’s are ready to work for Nairobians and myself as speaker will be there to offer leadership and impartial guidance to the house as the elected leaders work to deliver to the people of Nairobi,” he said.