How Celebrity Trainer Prince Arakaki Is Helping Kenyans To Achieve ‘Wow Crisp’ Bodies

NAIROBI, Kenya- If you partied hard over the Christmas holidays and feel your body is out of shape then look no further, because Prince Arakaki is here to help you panel beat it to shape.
The former Nyeri Stima FC striker is advising people who indulged heavily during the festive season to start eating neat.
“They should take balanced diets, they should eat foods in portions, and they should exercise and drink lots of water mixed with Himalayan salt and lemon to flash out the unwanted toxins” he underlined.
For gym beginners, the celebrity trainer says they should get the mental toughness first before they are introduced to easy physical exercises which are made heavy gradually.
“Gym is not only physical, it is also mental. My aim is to show those starting that they too can make it. I make the training sustainable so they can carry on even with it even without me.
“I show them, I guide them, I motivate them to improve what they can do,” he says.
Once a client reaches their peak in training, Arakaki advises they should be introduced to multiple workouts involving cardio, strength, and aerobics among others to help their bodies to gain and grow.
Arakaki says there are lots of benefits to gain from consistent workouts among them is the peace of mind, good moods, improved social status, healthy lifestyle and improved net worth due to people one interacts with.
“Since embracing health and fitness training over a decade ago, I have never looked back. No doctor or hospital has ever seen my money,” Arakaki says.

The soft spoken 29-year old gym enthusiast has a wide range of top clients; from politics, health, music and business who he is currently helping to turn their shapes into ‘Wow Crisp’ bodies.
Among them is President Ruto’s son Nick, Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir and his predecessor Ali Hassan Joho.
East and Southern Africa UBA Bank Regional CEO Ebele Ogbue, Director KPMG East Africa Maurice Gachuhi, Bonfire Adventures owner Sarah Kabu, Trans Nzoia Senator Allan Chesang, nominated Senator Karen Nyamu, Mogotio Member of Parliament Kiborek Reuben, CEC Gender, Sports and Youth in Trans Nzoia County Channel Kittony and vibrant politician Rodgers Kipembe are also benefiting from his well laid out health and fitness training plan.
Other formidable clients are RFH Healthcare Founder Maxwell Okoth, musicians Otile Brown, The Ben (Rwanda), KRG The Don, top comedian MC Jessy and vibrant businessmen Begi Gesicho, Kennedy Rapudo and Jimal Roho Safi are also in the mix.
“Your network is your net worth. If you use your social capital well, you will experience massive growth in your life.
“Meeting these clients have completely transformed my life both socially and economically,” Arakaki says.
The Dedan Kimathi University graduate conducts his training both online and physical at the Active Fitness Gym in Lavington, Nairobi.
In three months’ time, he will be unveiling a fitness app that he believes will endear him to his clients.
“The app will be more than interactive, it will give the trainees a proper program, it will show them the right diet to take, and it will be beneficial to the clients in a proper African set up,” he says.
Arakaki currently employs eight instructors who are helping him to execute his already packed program that starts at 4.30am and ends sometimes past midnight.
He currently trains 50 clients either as a group, individual or online. Apart from being a fitness trainer, Arakaki is also into the construction industry.
In the next five years, Arakaki hopes to set up a state of the art training facility where various sports teams can engage in residential training before their matches.

For those who wants to engage in healthy fitness training, Arakaki says they should be passionate about the industry.
“You have to study, you have to like reading because this industry is dynamic, new things crop up every day so you have to be up to speed.”
According to Araraki, the bulk of treatment in the Kenyan hospitals and their costs would be greatly reduced if people embrace fitness and healthy lifestyle.
Courtney Kiiru, 41, who has trained with Arakaki for a year and a half had this to say of her trainer: “Prince has transformed my body, he gives you the whole package both mentally and physically, he is very flexible, he’s among the most dedicated coaches I have ever met. I still cannot foresee training in the future without him.”
Health benefits of regular exercise
Losing weight
Combats health conditions and diseases
Improves mood
Energy boost
Promotes good sleep
Sparkling sex life
Improved socialization